Andrés Ochoa


Problems like hunger, lack of sustainable energy able to supply our current needs, several illness, imbalance of goods and services distribution. All are issues that could be resolved by applying new technological advances.

The computer engineering development opened doors responsible for most of the technological advances that we have seen in the last 50 years. This have provided tools to our society to create and go forward in an exponential way, in manners that we never thought possible.

Biological engineering will run the technological advances in the next 50 years. In order for this to happen, we need to create standard parts which can be used as building-blocks and piled up in a reliable manner. Also, we need to understand the structure or combination of information/genes needed to create a specific function. Automatic platforms will help engineer organisms in a robust manner.

I have being learning and applying molecular biology techniques for about 9 years. My current goal is to use this knowledge to create technology. This is why I want to focus in synthetic biology.

I am committed to work in Research and Development, for public or private initiatives. My Research interests are:

Technologies to Produce New Materials and Manufacturing Processes.
Reverse Bioinformatics(Computation in Biological cells).
Synthetic Biology.